Healthy Habits for a Happy life: Tips for a Holistic lifestyle

The world is becoming more fast-paced with each passing day. Humans have forgotten to take care of themselves and their emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. Humans are nowadays so busy trying to connect with others that we now have reached a stage where we are disconnecting from ourselves. We are constantly hustling and trying to gain connections, meet deadlines, have a relationship that makes us look cool, and get an immense amount of wealth as that may gain us  status in society, however in this very process we have completely forgotten to actually be happy. We have forgotten to live in present and have a holistic lifestyle. Even after achieving these very goals of ours, we seem to feel completely hollow from inside. Well, that’s completely reasonable as these goals may take you somewhere in life however is this a healthy pattern or a way to lead a happy life?

What does being happy or leading a happy life actually mean? Well, it means that our happiness doesn’t solely depend on external circumstances. Happiness should come from within us. Our attitudes, beliefs, way of seeing life, and perceptions play a huge role to determine our happiness. The way we interpret our life events or our thoughts really plays a huge part in determining our happiness and leading a happy life. Leading a holistic life is a way to actually adopt a happy lifestyle.


A holistic lifestyle means living a lifestyle where you look at yourself as a whole. You work on nourishing your mind, body, and soul and find balance in your life. It promotes healthy habits which eventually leads you to have a happier life.


HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE: A key to happy life


‘You are what you eat’. The food that we intake is responsible to provide nutrients to our bodies. Fast food culture has completely jeoparded our gut health. Switching to healthy food help our gut health be stronger and fight diseases and also greater challenges in life.


One important aspect of the holistic approach to life is focusing on your physical health. Being fit and healthy is very important to stay away from diseases. Regular stretches or light exercises or even Zumba can be a way to ensure you are exercising and stretching your body.


Being mindful means being aware of your present moment. It means to live in the present not  in the past or future. We are so busy nowadays that we forget to actually live the moment. It is very important for us to take a long breath and be aware of where we are and what we are doing and savor the very moment we are in.


We are constantly bombarded with information, especially through social media where people flaunt their lives. We then end up comparing ourselves and pity ourselves for not having the life that they have. However, we need to understand that all things we see on social media are not real. We all have our own unique journey and this unhealthy behavior of ours is not taking us any further in life. Therefore, it is important to focus on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and lead our life towards our unique journey and move ahead in life.


We are exposed to thousands of faces, pieces of information, and thoughts each day. Our mind needs proper rest to think properly and also make sound decisions. It is important to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day to reset our minds. A fresh mind actually helps us enjoy the new experiences of life. A sound mind is very important for a healthy lifestyle.


Things are easier said than done. These tips on paper would sound very appealing and also relatively easier to apply. However, once we actually try these tips the motivation doesn’t last for long. This is where self-discipline comes in. For us to lead a happy life and then actually live a holistic lifestyle, self-discipline is a must. One can actually start living a holistic life by applying these tips one by one in their life and having the self-discipline to actually live a life full of healthy habits and mindset which eventually leads us to a happy life.

Also check out: Unlock the Secret to Good Health

1 Comment

  1. Oscar piastri says:

    Very good. Looking forward to more.

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